Canned Tuna & Salmon
Full of buttery, rich, melt-in-your-mouth flavor, our albacore tuna is the best canned tuna around. Our fishermen-owned co-op takes great pride in quality, evidenced in every flavorful bite. Fishing with hook and line methods, we catch albacore tuna that are actively building up fats and oils for an enormous trans-Pacific journey. Fishing with hook and line also means that our fishermen put great care into handling the fish, which is frozen within minutes of landing on our boats. This means our canned tuna is not only incredibly fresh but also full of beneficial nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-12, and selenium.
But why stop with just one canned delicacy? Loaded with vitamin D and omega-3s, our Canned Sockeye Salmon rivals our albacore tuna in freshness, taste, and nutritional value. Turn a simple snack into something elegant by adding sockeye salmon to salad or crackers, or simply enjoy it straight from the can.
Forget what you think you know about canned fish. This is premium-quality tuna and salmon, popular with specialty grocers and at-home foodies everywhere.