What is the Loyalty Program?
When you sign up for Alaska Gold’s Loyalty Program, you’re making the same commitment to quality that we make every day. Our Loyalty Program is designed to be flexible for your busy lives. With our Loyalty Program, you Subscribe and Save on getting our Alaska Gold Seafood delivered to your door. Cancel anytime. Choose the frequency of deliveries that make sense for you (monthly, every other month, every 6 weeks, etc.). You can switch up which fish you receive. You can make all these changes to your subscription—product, delivery frequency, pausing—by logging into your account. Or, we’re always happy to help on our end via email or phone. To sign up, simply select a fish and box size for monthly orders straight to your door at a regularly discounted price. Join the Alaska Gold Loyalty Program today and commit to real, sustainable seafood.
How It Works

Select your favorite fish for your monthly subscription

Sign up to join the Alaska Gold Loyalty Program

Review your subscription and check out