Stock up and save!
We are a fishermen-owned co-op—100% owned and funded by fishermen with 100% of profits going to fishermen. Since 1944, we’ve had a relentless commitment to quality. Our strength is in producing quality seafood. Since we’re a co-op made up of hundreds of like-minded, quality-focused fishermen, we produce quality seafood in bulk. As the people who catch the fish, we produce premium-quality Wild Salmon, Halibut, Sablefish and more. When you order from Alaska Gold, you have a direct connection with the fishermen catching the fish.
Delivering our fresh-frozen seafood is most cost-efficient with larger orders. When you put together a larger seafood order, you save money on the fish you love. We recommend getting together with neighbors and friends to stock up your freezers.
Put together an order of $700 or more and get 15% off with the following coupon code: AKGold_Bulk

Convenient and cost coefficient
If you have a chest freezer or deep freeze, ordering bulk seafood for delivery from Alaska Gold Seafood is a great way to get the best value for fresh-frozen Alaska seafood delivered to your door.
We individually vacuum pack each of our seafood portions. Your portions will stay in good condition in your freezer for at least six months. You can conveniently take out one fillet at a time to thaw and cook whenever you’d like.
Great Value Seafood
In addition, we have great value seafood options for the budget-minded. These are typically different cuts of seafood, like collars, or underrapreciated species like keta salmon. When they are handled with care, all of these items are great value seafood options.
Stronger together: The history of our co-op
Our fishing boats are small family-owned businesses. As a co-op, our fishermen banded together to purchase a processing plant in Sitka, Alaska. Our fishermen-owned co-op has also invested in the infrastructure needed to serve our customers with the best quality seafood. With deep pride, our fishermen put an emphasis on quality. With blast freezers that freeze the fish down to fifty degrees below Fahrenheit and the best in packaging, ordering our flash-frozen seafood in bulk is the most economic way to get the seafood you love delivered straight to your door.
Joining together to save is how co-ops work best. Co-ops are built on the fundamental idea that we can work better together and be more productive purchasing supplies in bulk rather than on our own. Producer co-ops became a way for small producers to achieve some economies of scale and achieve goals that they otherwise would not have been able to on their own.

Co-op principles
A cooperative is a group of persons united to meet common aspirations through a member-owned enterprise. A co-op can invest in processing and packaging facilities. Our cooperative provides a safety net by allowing members to pool together for things like vessel insurance or gear purchases. A co-op allows fisherman to do what they do best: catch fish. The co-op also eschews the problem of financial landlords who may take advantage of the fishermen.
Co-ops have a unique way of doing business that offer fishermen the best of both worlds. Member-owners can work independently, the way fishermen work best, while also pooling resources to achieve a higher goal.
More than a way for fishermen to take control of their profits, the Co-op became a community in which fishermen banded to make their own destinies. Together, as a co-op, formed through blood, sweat and tears, fishermen have been able to control their own destinies rather than rely on outside corporate entities in far-off places.
Seafood Producers Cooperative
Our strength as small boat fishermen is working together as a co-op to achieve bigger goals. In the same way, when you get together with neighbors and friends you save shipping costs on our end and get greater savings for everybody.
Our co-op members catch seafood with artisanal hook and line methods and minimal impact on the ocean. As a co-op we have efficiencies gained from our fishermen working together to produce a spectacular product. We pass on the same cost savings to you when you order our seafood for delivery in bulk.
Stock your freezers with Alaska Gold
Some of our customers have fished for king salmon or halibut in Alaska. They are used to filling their freezers with enough fish to last a long while. If they are not able to make the trip to Alaska, they have found that ordering from us is the best alternative. These customers, accustomed to bringing home large boxes of seafood from Alaska, know that ordering in bulk is the most cost-efficient way to get premium-quality seafood.
Use a coupon for large orders. 15% off orders of $700 or more. Use the following code: AKGold_Bulk
This is the best way to order seafood online and get great value. Get your neighbors or co-workers together to put together large orders and receive price savings. We’re happy to help. We also offer some wholesale pricing on orders over $1000. Inquire with us.
We offer our Alaska Gold Loyalty Program for those who don’t have large freezers. With the Loyalty Program, customers can get a regularly discounted price and have their favorite seafood delivered on a regular basis.
But if you have a large freezer and/or friends and family to get together with on a bulk seafood order, we recommend ordering our Alaska Gold Seafood in bulk for the most cost-efficient, premium-quality seafood delivery.