Sweet and nutty coho salmon recipe | Alaska Gold Seafood

Sweet and nutty coho salmon recipe | Alaska Gold Seafood

Coho salmon is milder and more delicate than king salmon. It smokes really well and is also in some ways easier to pair with some recipes than other species of salmon.

Try this healthy coho salmon recipe. It’s really easy. If you’re not already, you might be a convert to the coho salmon.



Heat the oven to 400 degrees or put the BBQ on medium high.

Pat the coho fillets dry with a kitchen towel and lay them out on a a tray to take to the BBQ.

In a bowl, mix oyster, soy and sesame oil. (By the way, covering chicken in oyster sauce is a secret to making really great grilled chicken. Oyster sauce, typically found in the Asian section with other condiments at supermarkets, is very mild but has great chemistry with grills. It is a nice balance of savory and sweet.)

For each serving, use about 3 teaspoon oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon soy and 1 teaspoon sesame oil— roughly 3:1:1. Add a few shakes of pepper. Really, all of these are difficult to measure. No need to get out your measuring equipment, just eyeball it. The beauty of cooking is in the experimentation–you’ll find a ratio of these ingredients that will suit you and you won’t mess it up– we promise you.

Cover your fillets generously with the sauce mixture right before cooking. If you sauce the fillets too early, the salt will draw moisture from the fish and the juiciness of the fish will melt away!

Cook for approximately 10 minutes in the oven. On the BBQ, watch the coating closely to be sure it doesn’t burn, and reduce heat if it seems to be caramelizing too quickly. You should know they’re ready when there is a nice caramelized covering. As with all the fish we sell, err on the side of undercooking. Our fish is sashimi grade and can be eaten raw if you wanted. And there’s nothing worse than an overcooked fish. You don’t want that dryness.

The sweet, nutty taste of this coho salmon recipe is nicely paired with a side of brown rice and bitter greens such as kale or bok choy. A light white wine like a Sauvignon Blanc or a Pinot Grigio would be great with this fish.

Trust us, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and will work the coho into your arsenal of seafood cooking.